11-12 Jan @ Van Hall Larenstein University in Netherlands on Horizon 2020 and Erasmus Plus13/1/2017 Nikolaos has delivered at Van Hall Larenstein University one day training on Horizon 2020 to more than 60 academics and one full day training on how to exploit successfully Erasmus plus European funding programme. Both his trainings were based on his well-established FET (Funding Expert Transformation) training methodology that focuses on step-by-step practices for excelling in these two challenging european funding programmes.
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Nikolaos has delived one more 2 days training at a highly engaging workshop. The first day was open to academics and researchers from Netherlands Universities and the focus was on how to exploit successfully EU funds. The second day was dedicated on ERASMUS plus and was delivered exclusively to academics and researchers from VAN HALL LARENSTEIN University in Netherlands.
Nikolaos Floratos has trained in Brussels between 20-22 June 2016 on behalf of EPA and European Academy, funding consultants and entrepreneurs on how to exploit successfully the H2020 SME instrument based on his FETP™ formula. He has taught them the step-by-step process that should be followed in order to get a grant from this highly competitive and with low success rate programme. Also he provided one-to-one consultation on participants' project ideas. His course was highly evaluated and ranked by the participants that realised that developing a successful proposal requires just an effective and winning approach. Mr. Nikolaos has instructed for two days, researchers, innovation accelerators and Technology Transfer Offices in Africa how to exploit successfully european funding based on his recipe "Horizon 2020 Expert Transformation Process". His workshop took place as a pre-conference event at the SARIMA 2016 conference. The Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) is a stakeholder organisation that provides a platform for the
promotion and facilitation of best practice in research and innovation management in Southern Africa. Their purpose is to strengthen the research and innovation system to ensure the social and economic development of the Southern African region. The audience was excellent and the feedback great. Nikolaos has written an article in his blog on his experience from this event as well as from his swimming with sharks in the Indian Ocean (see photo) and also how novices and beginners can join successful Horizon 2020 proposals and projects. Nikolaos Floratos presented in one day in Brussels on 1st June 2016 for EPA and European Academy courses how individuals can master the communication, dissemination & exploitation strategies that are required in any Horizon 2020 proposal and project. He explained the pitfalls behind communication, dissemination and exploitation and elaborated the two techniques/Formulas, i.e. the O.T.H.E.R.™ and R.I.S.K.L.E.S.™ for developing plans that stand out. For more info in this area and further hints, advices, and training videos, you can register for free at the Funding Expert Academy. Nikolaos Floratos last week has delivered his popular course in Brussels on Financial Management and how to deal successfully with external audits. The training took place on Monday and Tuesday 29-30 May as part of the European Academy and European Projects Association courses and highlighted that anyone can become financial manager of european funded projects as long they are trained properly. He stressed out that financial management is the only skill that you can start apply immediately, since you don't have to be creative and fully networked in order to start developing proposals for funding and implementing european projects. In fact, a person with sound financial management skill can never be jobless and there is a european market of 1 trillion EUR that is of high demand of such skill. He explained that the whole concept in Financial Management is based on just one rule, the ENA™ rule that should be deeply and professionally applied. For more info, tips, advice and training videos in the area of european funding, you can register for free at the Funding Expert Academy. Right after my experience in South Africa as Horizon 2020 coach, I was invited as key-note speaker in two events that were taking place at the same days, i. e at the 21st Annual Conference of the European Spas Association with key actors in the area of wellness and Spa industry and at Scaleup for Europe in Porto attended by hundreds of startups, highly innovative companies, business angels and venture capitalists. Since they were taking place at the same days, I have to split my presence but you can access my presentations at both events as well read more about the secret that I have revealed on how organisations should support successfully european funding at my blog article here. Nikolaos Floratos has delivered an advanced course on Horizon 2020 in Research Institutes in Finland16/3/2016
Nikolaos Floratos has delivered last week on behalf of European Academy a 2 days course in exploiting successfully european funding based on his recipe that requires funding experts to master 4 steps and 7 habits based on the Funding Expert Transformation Process(TM). His training takes place in Brussels, 10-11 March 2016. The course is very intensive but it is delivered based on the unique way that Nikolaos has to engage his students.
Sound Financial Management practices are critical for a successful completion of a European project. Any European funded project is subject to audit by the European Commission for five years after its end. EC audits have been significantly increased at a European level for the last three years in order to ensure transparent and sound practices are applied and public money are well spent. Nikolaos Floratos trains 8-9 March 2016 in Brussels on behalf of European Academy, individuals and managers how to become professional financial managers of european funded projects and how to develop an audit proof financial management system. Nikolaos Floratos delivers a three days training on SME Instrument of Horizon 2020 in Brussels3/3/2016 Nikolaos Floratos delivers in Brussels not one more course on SME Instrument under Horizon 2020 but the only course that guides you step-by-step on how to write a winning proposal under SME Instrument. Did you know that SME Instrument has the lowest success rate in the whole Europe (only 6% of the submitted proposals are granted funding)? However, there is a pattern for successful proposals. The course schedule addresses either the needs of any applicants that already have a draft proposal and want to improve it significantly or start from scratch and prepare them for the next cut-off date submission deadline. The course takes place in Brussels 2-4 March 2016 at European Academy
Nikolaos Floratos is one of the key note speakers at Foro Innova Santander and will be presenting two speeches. The first one takes place on Monday 14th Dec 2015 and it is about the 7 habits of highly effective people (champions) in Horizon 2020 and the second one takes place on Tuesday under the Digital Agenda of Europe and he presents the standardisation work of the Special Task Force 488 that aims to provide design guidelines for mobile devices so that they can be accessible for people with cognitive disabilities. Nikolaos Floratos, key trainer of European Academy has delivered successfully two courses in Brussels, the first one on "How to Write A Successful Proposal On EU Funding" on 23-24 November 2015 and the second one on “Financial Management of EU Funded Projects & External Auditing” on 10 - 11 December 2015!. Although the first training took place on 23-24 November 2015 during the red alert in Brussels that no metro was operating due to suspicions for terrorism attack, most of the participants attended the course and they mastered techniques on how to write successful proposals based on the the Funding Expert Transformation Tree techniques and model. The second training was on financial management and the principles and methods that should be followed for ensuring audit-proof practices on financially managing the european funded projects.
Save the date! Next 2-Day Intensive Course "How to Write A Successful Proposal On EU Funding" on 23-24 November 2015! European Academy for Education and Social Research and European Projects Association are waiting for you Science 14 Atrium in Brussels! Take a look at the course programme here:http://bit.ly/1jHnTKC
We deliver a workshop on Erasmus+ at Croatia in the beautiful Dubrovnik resort and more specifically at the Valamar Lacroma Hotel on Thursday 19th November 2016. If you are interested to join, please contact us for further information. Nikolaos Floratos is delivering a 2 day course on Horizon2020 at Open University of Catalonia27/10/2015 Nikolaos Floratos is delivering a two day full course on Horizon 2020 on 28-29 Oct 2015 at Open University of Catalonia @UOC, #UOC in Barcelona. He will be teaching steps, methods, approaches, tips and hints for a stress free and successful proposal submission in H2020 based on his well established technique of the Funding Expert Transformation Tree. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss also their own ideas face-to-face and exploit further their research proposals. Nikolaos Floratos, the founder of Funding Expert Academy has been delivering a full three day course on Horizon 2020 in Brussels, by removing the dust around Horizon 2020 and giving clear steps, methods and approaches as well as tips and hints on how to exploit successfully one of the most attractive but the also the most competitive programmes. His approach is based on the funding expert transformation treeTM method I am really excited to join this event and share with others views on the new EU funding programmes and especially for Horizon 2020 and Erasmus plus. The fact that is not based on a structured framework but mainly on on the spot initiatives and ideas makes it even more interesting for me. I can't wait. More info at http://www.eu-projekte.at/pace/pace-barcamps/